Upcoming events
Creating Change & Allowing Change Hypnosis
The final group hypnosis session in our RENEW YOU series focuses on the actualization of your dreams via Creating and Allowing Change! Without the ability to change our circumstances, we can become permanently stuck in life. Even more so, when we resist the changes that come naturally! Join Quantum Hypnotist Jack Geist for a group hypnosis session on Creating & Allowing Change, and become the prime mover of your own life!
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Sleep Well & Wake Up Fresh Group Hypnosis
The third group hypnosis session in our RENEW YOU series focuses on Sleeping Well and Waking Up Fresh! Very few of us get enough sleep, and even fewer wake up feeling fresh when we do! Join Quantum Hypnotist Jack Geist for a group hypnosis session to renew the quality of your sleep!
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Remove Procrastination & Get It Done! Group Hypnosis
The second group hypnosis session in our RENEW YOU series focuses on Removing Procrastination & Getting It Done! Motivation can be difficult to muster in the wet, dull, & dreary days of March, but planting seeds in this season is integral to harvesting later in the year, and later in your life! Join Quantum Hypnotist Jack Geist for a group hypnosis session on motivation so you can GET IT DONE and reap the rewards of your efforts by the 2023 harvest season! Slots are limited due to space, book your spot now!
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Energy & Vitality Group Hypnosis
The first group hypnosis session in our RENEW YOU series focuses on the essential cornerstone of change - Energy & Vitality! Join Quantum Hypnotist Jack Geist for a group hypnosis session focused entirely on revitalizing your mind, body, and spirit! Slots are limited due to space, book your spot now!
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Craving Cessation Group Hypnosis
Are you still plagued by a difficult craving you can't seem to kick? Join Quantum Hypnotist Jack Geist for a group hypnosis session to help kick those cravings and regain control of your life! Slots are limited due to space, book your spot now!
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Freedom From Anxiousness Group Hypnosis
Revisiting the favourite topic of our previous season, Freedom from Anxiousness! Join Quantum Hypnotist Jack Geist for a group hypnosis session to alleviate stress and anxious thoughts, so you can get back to living the life you were born to live! Slots are limited due to space, book your spot now!
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Resolutions Revisited Group Hypnosis
By March, over 90% of people report having "fallen off the wagon" on their New Years Resolutions - how are you keeping up on your resolution? If you're interested in reviving your resolutions, and your commitment to yourself, join Quantum Hypnotist Jack Geist for a group hypnosis session to Revisit your Resolutions! Slots are limited due to space, book your spot now!
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